Material Sciences

In a rapidly evolving novel materials landscape, entrepreneurs and venture investors are harnessing the potential of emerging materials and technologies. In today’s competitive market, novel material-based semiconductors open doors to faster, smaller, and more efficient devices, while ceramics redefine the durability and precision of engineering applications. Embracing New Biodegradable Materials fosters environmental sustainability, propelling industries toward a greener future. Additionally, novel Polymers featuring non-leaching anti-microbial and oil removal compounds revolutionize healthcare and clean technology markets, addressing pressing global challenges.

However, the path to commercialization is challenging. From regulatory compliance to market adoption, navigating these challenges requires expertise and industry know-how. At Behr & Associates, we are committed to guiding you through this intricate journey, harnessing our network and expertise to drive your success.

Our Expertise

  • Nano Materials: We have extensive experience and knowledge in new nano-based materials for the semiconductor, ceramics, consumer, and clean technology markets.
  • New Biodegradable Materials: As we move to a zero-waste and impact world, making products that biodegrade easily is a priority.   We have commercialized technologies to replace several existing environmentally harmful products.
  • Polymers: We have brought to market several novel polymers, including non-leaching antimicrobials and oil removal compounds.

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